Saturday 7 February 2015

11 Crazy Thoughts All Women Have During S-x

Don't be surprised to know that while all that bumping and grinding is going on under the sheets, the lady involved may be miles away in thoughts.
This is not to say that she's not having a good time - it's just that women have a tendency to drift away even at such moments.
Here are some of the silly thoughts women actually have while they're doing the deed:

  1. Can I change position and pretend I’m doing some hot porn move so that I can sort of watch Scandal at the same time?
  2. Ouch, that hurts.
  4. Why isn’t he doing that thing I’ve told him I like at least 83627 times?
  5. Oh, he’s going to try and ‘accidentally’ slip it in the wrong hole, again.
  6. I really think I might fart.
  7. I definitely won’t be able to orgasm if I’m trying this hard not to fart. *thinks about dilemma for 17 seconds*
  8. Is it wrong that I really want to check my phone? My last tweet was really funny, someone must have retweeted it.
  9. Oh, that’s good. That’s really good. That wasn’t expected.
  10. How do I tell him to only do that in the future and none of the other stuff he does without offending him?
  11. OK, nobody panic, I need a pee. Can I interrupt this or do I just try really hard not to pee on him.

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